Let me be perfectly honest: I don't think the line is scary. It's a bizarre pop culture reference that comes out of no where and frankly has no purpose in the movie. Jack Nicholson's character isn't named Johnny and I don't think the axe's name is Johnny so the line is useless. It's very dated and, frankly, kind of stupid.
But it's not like this entire scene isn't scary. It's well paced, well shot, intense, and unnerving. Plus Jack does have some other creepy lines during the scene, such as "Wendy, I'm home!" and his impression of the Big Bad Wolf. But why is it that "Here's Johnny" get's the attention and scares? Well here's my theory:
1. It's not so much the line, but the way he says it. I mean just look at his face when he says it. The guy's freaking nuts!
2. He finally has Wendy pinned down, and it'll only take a little more effort before he has her.
3. The soundtrack is phenomenal, and accompany that with the swinging of the camera in step with the swinging of the axe and you have a grotesquely beautiful scene.
It's for these reasons that I feel the "Here's Johnny" scene is so memorable. Not necessarily because of the line, but because of the context and the scene built around it. Maybe the line works for you. It just doesn't cut it for me (no pun intended).
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